Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How long before my blog is approved or rejected?
A: Due to the large volume of blogs submitted, please allow up to six weeks for your blog to be approved or rejected.
Q: My blog is cached and older than three months, why wasn’t it approved?
A: If your blog has low, or no, Google Page rank and/or most of the indexed pages are supplemental results, your blog may not be approved.
Q: How can I make money with Blogging Ads?
A: Once your blog is approved you can view opportunities to blog about products and services from advertisers. You are paid for each blog post.
Q: How do I get paid?
A: We pay bloggers monthly through Paypal.
Q: My post was approved, when can I expect payment?
In some cases you may be paid sooner, but expect 2 to 4 weeks to pass before payment.
Q: What if I don’t have a Paypal account?
A: Sorry, we only use Paypal. You must have a Paypal account to be paid.
Q: What are the requirements for a blog to be approved?
A: All blogs must be indexed or cached by Google. We do not accept blogs with questionable content including, but not limited to adult or hate-filled content. Your blog must be at least 3 months old and have a steady history of posts being made throughout. Basically we will not accept blogs created for the sole purpose of putting ads and no meaningful content. Read more about our guidelines for blogs.
Q: How do I know if my site is cached by Google?
A: Your blog must be in cached in Google’s database. Do not submit your blog if it is not, it will be rejected. To see if your blog is cached type this in the Google search box: cache: (insert your blog address for “”). If your search did not find any documents your blog is not cached. Read this article from Google with tips on how to get cached and listed. New blogs are not cached and you will need other bloggers or sites and directories that are cached to link to you. Try commenting on other people’s blogs to get the ball rolling.
Q: Can I submit more than one blog?
A: Yes, we encourage this. Just be sure they all pass our requirements or they may be rejected.
Q: Do I have to post all ad opportunities that are listed?
A: No, you can pick and choose the ad opportunities.
Q: How many blogging ads can I post?
A: By default, you can post up to 3 different ads to an approved blog in a calendar month. We limit you to 10 posts per month across all of your approved blogs. We reserve the right to alter these limits on individual accounts.
Q: Can I post the same blogging ad twice?
A: The ads are usually only available every three months for the same ad on the same blog.
Q: Can I combine blogging ads in one post?
A: No, each post must only contain one blogging ad.
Q: Can I have other advertising on my blog?
A: You can have other advertising revenue, as long as it is family-friendly.
Q: How much will I get paid for each blogging ad posting?
A: Most postings are $5.
Q: How long must I leave my post active?
A: Posts are expected to remain permanently.
Q: Do I need to mention that these are sponsored posts?
A: We strongly urge you to disclose that you sometimes write paid posts in the disclosure policy of your blog. You should place a link to your disclosure policy in a clearly visible place on your blog, such as the footer. For more information, please see the current FTC recommendations.